Thursday, 29 December 2011

Assignment problem

Assignment problem

The assignment problem is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problems in the branch of optimization or operations research ...

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Upcoming LPS Workshop:

Upcoming LPS Workshop:

Lectures on Probability and Stochastic Processes Scope and Goal: India has a rich and long heritage in Probability Theory and Stochastic...
Teaching material

Teaching material

Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data This Web page contains links to a variety of information and teaching resources concerning Works...
Organisations and lists

Organisations and lists

Royal Statistical Society MeaNs Matching Education, Assessment ans Employment Needs in Statistics American Statistical Association (ASA) ...
Statistical softwares

Statistical softwares

SURVO Survo is a general computing environment developed by professor Seppo Mustonen. The new Windows version SURVO MM was released in th...
Statistical datasets

Statistical datasets

CMU StatLib (USA) Carnegie Mellon StatLib is a famous archive system with statistical software, datasets and lot of information by mail, ...
Linear models

Linear models

Applied Regression Analysis for MS Students by Prof. Weisberg (U Mn, Stat 5161, Fall 1994) Assignments (html and pdf) Prof. Weisberg, Stat...
Introductory Statistics

Introductory Statistics

Investigating Statistics by Robert L. Hale, Ph.D. Business Statistics by Lari Arjomand, Clayton State College. Junior-level course. Syll...


  Fox Pro is a text-based procedurally-oriented programming language and DBMS, originally published by Fox Software and later by Microsoft...