Monday, 4 January 2016

Advantages and disadvantages of Mode

  Manoj       Monday, 4 January 2016
  • Mode is readily comprehensible and easy to calculate. Like median, mode can be located in some cases merely by inspection. 
  • Mode is not at all affected by extreme values. 
  • Mode can be conveniently located even if the frequency distribution has class-intervals of unequal magnitude provided the modal class and the classes preceding and succeeding it are of the same magnitude. Open-end classes also do not pose any problem in the location of mote.
  • Mode is ill-defined. It is not always possible to find a clearly defined mode. In some cases we may come across distribution are called bi-modal. If a distribution has more than two modes, it is said to be multimodal. 
  • It is not based upon all the observations. 
  • It is not capable of further mathematical treatment. 
  • As compared with mean, mode is affected to a greater extent, by fluctuations of sampling.

Thanks for reading Advantages and disadvantages of Mode

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